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Wings n Fries - A whole new food experience with great taste and unbelievable prices | New definition of fast food

Wings n Fries -  A whole new food Experience with unbelievable prices | New definition of fast food
Wings n Fries -  A whole new food Experience with unbelievable prices | New definition of fast food

Wings n Fries -  A whole new food Experience with unbelievable prices | New definition of fast food

Wings n Fries -  A whole new food Experience with unbelievable prices | New definition of fast food

Wings n Fries is a new definition for fast food with great taste and great service hand to hand. It makes your food experience not only fun but more exciting. It has wide varieties of food right from barbecue wings to signature grilled chicken. Their menu offer varieties of dishes both for veg and non-veg lovers with very very reasonable prices. So if you are a foodie, Just walkin and experience a great taste of food. Treat yourself !

Visit the new store at Manikonda ,OU Colony, Opposite HDFC Bank,  Hyderabad
Contact number:   +91 9052144479, +91 9052144489 
